Dathlu gwirfoddoli - Celebrate volunteering
Event Poster for the Big Help Out
Where & When?
James St. up from the bandstand on John Street Porthcawl, Bank Holiday Monday 8 May 2023, from 11am
What’s happening?
A fun event for everyone, celebrating and promoting volunteering in Porthcawl. There will be street stalls, games, live music, cakes, refreshments, a FairTrade cafe (above SUSSED) and more!
Digwyddiad hwyliog i bawb, dathlu a hyrwyddo gwirfoddoli ym Mhorthcawl. Bydd stondinau stryd, gemau, cerddoriaeth fyw, cacennau, lluniaeth, caffi Masnach Deg (uwchben SUSSED) a mwy!
More about the Big Help out
To mark His Majesty The King’s Coronation thousands of organisations across the country are getting together to give us all the chance to help out in our own local communities. https://thebighelpout.org.uk/
Want to Join in?
If you are a member of a volunteer based organisation in Porthcawl and would like to get involved in the event please email us here or ring 01656 783962 during office hours.