Books on the High Street!
We stock a great range of books by the renowned Welsh publisher, Seren. A few selected books by other innovative publishers such as Happenstance and Parthian are also available. Some signed copies are often available following our regular Green Room poetry and literature, guest writer and open mic events, usually held on the last Friday of the month above SUSSED from 8pm - see our events pages and facebook/instagram/posters for the next event.
We also have a range of local books at SUSSED Online inlcuding Gorwelion, an anthology published in 2021 by Sustainable Wales and Parthian Books.
Our sister organisation the charity Sustainable Wales organises regular literary events, book launches and open mic sessions. Find out more at the Sustainable Wales events page on their website. Events often take place in the Green Room which is a performance and meeting space directly above SUSSED.
A range of literature at SUSSED