
Fairtrade and organic drinks from the best quality suppliers:

Coffee at SUSSED
  • New refreshing Kombucha range from Suma

  • Fairtrade soft drinks by Karma Cola

  • Teas and coffee (ground and whole bean) from, Suma, Café Direct, Clipper and Equal Exchange

  • Locally roasted fairtrade Jenipher’s Coffi in beans and ground

  • Chocolate & cocoa drinking powder

  • Traditional fairtrade & organic teas from Clipper and Hampstead Tea

  • Award winning Rooibos teas from Dragonfly (redbush teas)

Dragonfly source the highest grade Rooibos tea, aka redbush tea, to bring you a full-bodied, naturally caffeine free cup. With its sweet nutty finish, rooibos also boasts many health benefits. Honeybush tea is made from a shrub related to rooibos named for its delightfully honeyed aroma.

Jenipher’s Coffi

From Uganda to Wales

There’s a reason why Jenipher’s on the label. While we’re passionate about producing delicious coffee, we’re also focused on building relationships and creating communities.

Jenipher’s Coffi has emerged from a deep friendship between the people of Wales and the Mt Elgon region of Uganda. For decades, we’ve been exchanging ideas, sharing learning and working hand-in-hand to tackle some of the biggest problems facing both the region and the world.

 Fairness and respect are values that we will never be willing to compromise, so our bags of coffee will always carry the Fairtrade Mark. The coffee is grown organically and our packaging is sustainably procured because these values extend to people and the planet too.

Forever Fairtrade

Jenipher’s Coffi will always carry the Fairtrade Mark because fairness is at the heart of all that we do.

Deliciously smooth

Sweet, with hints of berries and caramel, Jenipher’s Coffi makes for a smooth and delicious cuppa.

Buy coffee, plant trees

The farmers who produce Jenipher’s Coffi aim to plant 25 million trees by 2025.

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coffe at sussed

Delicious Teas & Coffees from around the world.