With Fairtrade Fortnight approaching, here’s an overview of this year’s campaign from Fairtrade Wales:
Check SUSSED’s facebook or twitter feeds for our activities starting next week:
Fairtrade Fortnight 2019: 25 February - 10 March
Fairtrade fortnight is nearly here! This annual two-week event sees thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to celebrate the people who grow our food. This year we have placed a focus on the people, in particular the women, who grow the cocoa in your chocolate. These people often live in some of the poorest countries in the world and are often subject to exploitation and bad wages. Our aim is to ensure that these cocoa farmers are paid fairly and able to live a dignified life. If you love ethically sourced cocoa as much as we do, come and join in at one of our many events.
This year marks the start of a three-year campaign based around living incomes. A living income is the minimum income required to pay for essentials such as school, clothing and medicine. We believe that this is a basic human right and essential in being able to live a dignified life. With your support, we aim to increase the numbers of people achieving this living income.
This year’s campaign theme - Living Incomes
How to join in - support Fairtrade Wales
There are many ways in which you can join in. Our social media channels are a good way of finding out about events near you. Follow us on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram . When attending events, be sure to tweet at us @fairtradewales and through #shedeserves and #fairtradefortnight